Wednesday, February 15, 2012

ISO.7 Mixed Fruit And Vegetable Extract Beverage only RM257.00 for WM and RM264.00 for EM

The antioxidant specialist to PROrevive your health!

Free radicals attack us from many different sources everyday. When we are young, the body has extensive repair and renewal mechanisms that work to keep cells and organs functioning at an optimum level, so the effects of free radicals are relatively minor. As we age, however, the damaging effects of free radical gradually build up. ISO.7 is a synergistic blend of colourful fruit and vegetable extracts specially selected for their efficacy in combating free radical effects. It is a specialist product that is aimed for the PROTECTION and REVIVAL of body systems. One sachet of ISO.7 supplies approximately 3,500 mole TE/g of antioxidants, or ORAC value. The blend of these extracts provides powerful phytochemicals such as anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, monomeric catechin and polyphenols.

What is ORAC

The measurement of an antioxidant's power to neutralise free radical damage at the cellular level is known scientifically as Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. The higher the ORAC value of a product, the stronger its antioxidant power. Studies by the Human Nutrition Center at Tufts University, USA has found that an ORAC value of at least 5000 units a day is required to prevent certain age-related diseases. Unfortunately, the daily intake of 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables as recommended by the health authority can only supply between 2000-3000 ORAC units of antioxidants. It is, therefore, only logical to recommend consumers to consume foods that are high in ORAC value in order to strengthen the defence system against free radical attacks.
ISO.7 PROrevive Mechanism:

Reduces oxidative stress by neutralising free radicals before they can attack cells.
Repairs free radical damages within cells and tissues, thus restoring organ functions and reviving body systems.
Relaxes blood vessels and restores blood circulation to vital organs such as the eyes, ears, brain, genitals, heart, kidney, lungs and skin. This achieves general health rejuvenation.
Reduces serum cholesterol and lipid, helping in the maintenance of normal blood pressure and optimum health.
In the long term, it reduces risks of chronic diseases via antiatherosclerotic, antiangiogenic, antibacterial and anticarcinogenic properties as well as optimises immune system functions.
Summary of ISO.7's benefits:

Helps to prevent the effects of premature aging.
Helps to promote cardiovascular health.
Aids in healthy brain function and mental acuity.
Helps to promote healthy vision.
Helps to promote healthy blood sugar levels.
Helps to enhance urinary tract health.
Helps to promote healthy skin.
Helps to strengthen body's immune system.
Helps to maintain healthy cellular function.
May contribute to oral health.
Beneficial to digestive health.

contact number 019-9134904 (taufiqil)

ISO.5 Mixed Fibre Beverage only RM143.00 for WM and RM150.00 for EM

Helping you to achieve the recommended dietary fibre intake!

The longer the transit time of food, the longer the food stays in our gut, the more likely it is that auto-intoxication will occur. There are evidence indicating that toxins in our body, due to irregular bowel and poor detoxifying function, are the major contributors to the increase of degenerative conditions, diseases and the aging process. Therefore, a good way to promote good health is to maintain bowel regularity through sufficient daily intake of dietary fibre.

Since most people find it difficult to consume adequate fibre through their daily diet, consumers today can supplement their diets with ISO.5 Mixed Fibre Beverage in sachet convenience. ISO.5 Mixed Fibre Beverage is a carefully balanced mixture of high quality dietary fibre, probiotics and enzymes that can gently cleanse and nourish the gastrointestinal tract; help remove toxins and wastes from the body system, as well as maintain your body's energy level. Its high quality fibre content can also assist in weight management goals by providing a feeling of "fullness" or satiety. Everyone in your family, including children who are lacking fibre in their daily diet, especially those who do not like to eat vegetables can opt for ISO.5 Mixed Fibre Beverage as their fibre supplements in order to aid in bowel health and to promote general well-being.
Some facts about ISO.5 Mixed Fibre Beverage:

Each serving of 15 gram gives you:

More than 6 grams of dietary fibre that is equivalent to about 300 g of vegetables.
More than 6 billion probiotic cultures, equivalent to a daily intake of six servings of cultured milk product in the market.
More than 0.1 gram of live plant enzymes equivalent to consumption of 3 or 4 slices of papaya or pineapples.
Summary of ISO.5's benefits:

Promotes better intestinal health
Improves digestive system
Aids in lowering bad cholesterol and reducing the risk of high blood pressure
Helps to bind carcinogen, bile acids and other toxic substances
Helps to enhance body immune system
Helps to improve glycemic control and regulate blood sugar
Promotes synthesis of vitamins
Allows better control over body weight

contact number 019-9134904

ISO.3 Hydrolysed Marine Collagen With Mixed Fruit Extract Blend only RM111.00 for WM and RM118.00 for EM

Nourishing beautiful skin from the inside-out!

As we age, collagen fibres lose their moist texture, become inflexible and eventually become the basis for wrinkle formation and loss of skin elasticity. ISO.3 Hydrolysed Marine Collagen With Mixed Fruit Extract Blend helps to stimulate new collagen production in the skin and ensure that the collagen's metabolism is maintained at an optimum level. ISO.3's Marine Collagen is selectively sourced from the finest quality of fish skin, the best source of collagen known to man. Its molecular weight stands between 1000¨C 2000, which allows for quicker absorption in the body because it has been pre-digested through a process known as "hydrolysis".

Besides the Hydrolysed Marine Collagen, the unique formulation of ISO.3 also consists of bioactive botanical ingredients that are loaded with antioxidants and phytochemicals such as the Acerola Cherry Extract, Kiwi Seed Extract, Pearl Powder, Aloe Vera Gel Powder, Carotenoid Complex and Mixed Fruit Powder that act in line with the objective of generating beauty from the inside-out.

ISO.3 CNP inside-out skin nourishment system

C - Clear (For detoxification and healing)

Functional ingredients work by clearing the blood vessels leading to the skin to allow more nutrients, blood and water to reach the skin layers. This step involves the repair and cleaning of aged skin and the removal of toxins, aged spots, liver spots and waste products from the skin.

N - Nourish (For beauty and renewals)

Functional ingredients carried by the blood vessels reach the skin layer and nourish the skin. This step involves all skin nourishment activities such as the build-up of new collagen cells (new skin cells) and the slowing down of intrinsic aging.

P - Protect (For long term skin health)

Functional ingredients protect the skin from the extrinsic agents that cause the skin to age. This step involves the long term protection of the skin from UV-induced damage that could lead to skin lesion and skin cancer.
Summary of ISO.3's benefits:

Helps to stimulate collagen production and metabolism.
Helps to encourage skin renewal and minimise muscle contractions.
Helps to maintain the health of the skin and mucous membrane.
Helps to improve skin radiance and moisture.
Helps to reduce appearance of wrinkles and dark circles under eyes.
Helps to reduce skin hyperpigmentation and improve acne conditions.
Helps to neutralise free radicals.
Helps to detoxify the skin.
Helps to protect the skin from UV radiation.
Helps to prevent skin disorders and infections.
Helps to provide overall health for bone, gums, hair and nails.
Helps to enhance the body¡¯s immune system.

contact number 019-9134904 (taufiqil)

Royalmix BD Complex only RM67.00 for WM and RM71.00 for EM

Botanical beverage powder fortified with calcium for children.

RoyalMix BD Complex is a delicious nutritional drinks, vegetable-based and formulated for the growth of children and pleasant to taste at any time day or night.

Taking continuous RoyalMix BD Complex allows children to nutrients such as lecithin and calcium as well as helping to promote fitness. Lecithin content and high calcium to promote healthy bone growth and help develop a comprehensive balanced nutrition with natural ingredients formula.

Among RoyalMix Nutritional Content:
Soybean - The best source of protein, calcium and minerals, high quality
Fructose - Sweeteners recommended
Lecithin - lipid sources needed by every cell in the body
Bifidus - Inhibit the growth of harmful intestinal bacteria
Honey Powder - Contains fructose and protein
Fructo-oligosaccharide - Stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria such as L. acidophilus, Bifidus
Distinct Soy protein - Excellent source of fiber and protein quality
Rice flakes - Helping to reduce low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol
Wheat Germ - The best source of Vitamin E and B which are rich in antioxidant properties
Bee Pollen - Contains high vegetable protein and 18 amino acids
Vitamin C - Helps heal wounds
Calcium citrate - Needed for strong bones and teeth

Content: 30 sachets x 28 g

Contact Number 019-9134904(Mohammed Taufiqil Khaliq Bin Yahya)

High Cholesterol Symptoms By George Parigian

High cholesterol symptoms are not something you are likely to notice or feel at all. You cannot "feel" your cholesterol level. Symptoms of high cholesterol are the actual health problems that occur when your levels are too high for too long.

The only way for you to know what your cholesterol levels are is to have what is called a "lipid panel," which is a test that will tell you what the levels of the various types of cholesterol in your bloodstream are. Knowing your levels will give you time to lower cholesterol naturally and avoid the risks of pharmaceutical drugs.

The lipid panel will also give you the ratio of bad cholesterol to good cholesterol, which is the most important measurement to determine just what your cholesterol risk factor for heart disease is. You will also have to have your inflammatory makers, (c-reactive protein, and homocysteine) checked because these are also vitally important to determine what your risk is.

So just what are the high cholesterol symptoms we are talking about? Here are a few:

Persistent dizziness or a light-headed feeling that lingers
Unfamiliar pain or discomfort in your arms, neck, back, or shoulders
Cold sweats or clammy skin
Shortness of breath
Chest pain leading to nausea and/or vomiting
Chest pain, feelings of pain or pressure in the chest or right arm
Feinting, or feeling foggy headed or lethargic
Once again keep in mind that these are not so much symptoms of high cholesterol, but rather symptoms of things that high cholesterol can cause. Also note that you can have healthy cholesterol levels and a cholesterol risk factor that is low, and still have damage to your arteries from inflammation, so be sure to get your inflammatory markers checked as well.

Another set of problems that you could call high cholesterol symptoms are associated with strokes. Again, this is due to the effects of arterial plaque breaking off and traveling through the bloodstream causing a stroke.

This type of stroke is called ischemic. The other type called "hemorrhagic" can be caused by high blood pressure leading to a rupture of the artery wall. Both these types of strokes are extremely dangerous.

Here are some symptoms of strokes:

Nausea, vomiting, fainting, convulsions, or possible coma
Loss of balance, coordination, or other difficultly walking
Dizziness, confusion, slurred speech, or blurred vision
Numbness and/or weakness in your arms, legs, or face on one side of your body
Remember we are talking about indirect high cholesterol symptoms. These symptoms of high cholesterol are some of the ways that plugged arteries might manifest themselves.

These symptoms are not necessarily symptoms of high cholesterol. They could be related to other things going wrong in your body such as problems with the brain, hormone imbalances, etc.

If you are experiencing any of these things please SEE A DOCTOR right away. They are an indication that something is very wrong, and it takes a skilled medical practitioner to properly evaluate them. While it is good to lower cholesterol naturally, these symptoms require immediate attention to prevent a catastrophic problem from occurring.

High cholesterol symptoms are a warning that you have some serious problems that may or may not be due to the effects of cholesterol on your cardiovascular system. You may have healthy cholesterol levels and still experience them.

Do not attempt to self diagnose or self treat. Always defer to a doctor if you are experiencing these symptoms. It may very well be a matter of life or death!

George Parigian Jr. enjoys writing on a number of topics such as how to lower cholesterol naturally. Visit his blog Lower Cholesterol Naturally Now for more information!

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Sleep Deprivation Can Cause Heart Attacks in Women By M. G. Cliff

Heart attack is considered to be a man's ailment, but the truth is, heart disease kills more women then men each year - nearly 460,000 per year. That's more than die from all types of cancer combined.

Sadly, because it is considered a man's disease, doctors often brush aside women's symptoms until it's too late.

There is no valid reason for that kind of neglect and incompetence from health professionals, but there may be a reason why so many women suffer from heart disease.

According to a recent study, lack of sleep may be the catalyst for female heart attacks. And women often short themselves on sleep in order to care for their families.

This study, published in the journal Sleep, found that women who get less than 5 hours of sleep per night had unusually high amounts of protein in their blood. One of those proteins, hs-CRP, or C-Reactive Protein, is the leading indicator of pending heart attack.

Heart attack is only one of the serious diseases associated with high blood levels of CRP, but people with high CRP levels are four and a half times more likely to have a heart attack than those with normal levels. They're a more reliable indicator than either cholesterol or homocysteine in predicting the risk of a heart attack.

Other serious diseases related to high CRP levels are Obesity, Dental Disease, Blood Sugar Disorders, Alzheimer's, Cancer, and Viral Disease.

Interestingly, lack of sleep did not cause the same rise in CRP in men.

High levels of CRP are commonly caused by inflammation in the body. This can be a reaction to an infection, toxins, burns, or injury. Only the recent studies show that it is a reaction to lack of sleep in women. While elevated levels will decline when caused by other sources, consistent lack of sleep will keep those levels high.

Knowing this, and knowing that women generally short themselves on sleep in order to keep up with the demands of both work and family, it is no wonder that more women than men are dying from heart disease.

So ladies, next time you're tempted to stay up an extra hour to get the kitchen clean or make sure everyone in the family has fresh cookies for their lunch tomorrow, resist. Teach your family to take care of some things themselves so you can get the sleep you require.

They may love and appreciate the things you do for them, but they also want you to be alive and healthy to enjoy life with them.

M. G. Cliff is a freelance copywriter with a strong interest in natural health. She enjoys writing for a variety of companies who promote health and well-being through safe, natural products and practices. Marte's natural health site,, presents natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals, health warnings, news about health-giving foods, and more.

Readers are invited to visit the blog at add their comments, experiences, and natural health advice on the blog posts.

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Heart Disease Symptoms By Peter Emerson

How important is it for us to be aware of the symptoms of heart disease? Is it necessary to know about it at all? Statistics reveal that millions of people in America are affected by heart disease. Millions die each year due to this.

To have knowledge about a disease which grips our nation so strongly is not just wise; it is mandatory. Heart disease symptoms can be extremely varied and unusual. Heart diseases can be classified into different types, with each type exhibiting its own peculiar symptoms. However, some similarities exist among the symptoms also.

Heart failure, heart attack, congenial heart disease, coronary heart disease, and many more have different causes and symptoms. Yet they exhibit certain common symptoms as well.

Research states that the common symptoms include chest discomfort, pain in different parts of the body, shortness of breath, nausea, coldness, vomiting, unexplained severe headache, sweating, anxiousness, heartburn, swelling in limbs and tissues, and many more.

Heart failure refers to the inability of the heart to pump blood to the different parts of the body. It can be the consequence of coronary heart disease. Fatigue, shortness of breath, coughing and swelling are some symptoms of heart failure.

The most common symptoms occur in the case of a heart attack. The usual symptoms include pain in the armpits, toothache, and even arm pain. Symptoms of congenital heart disease are quite similar to the usual heart disease symptoms such as shortness of breath, passing out, fast breathing and difficulty in feeding, poor weight gain, chest pain, and cyanosis, besides others.

The typical symptoms of coronary heart disease include chest pain; palpitations; breathlessness even when at rest or due to slight exertion; fainting; cyanosis; and a severe crushing pain which may disappear with adequate rest, but is accompanied by sweating, nausea, and light-headedness.

Symptoms vary depending on the type of heart disease and the severity of the disease. Still, it is a must for all to be aware of the common symptoms to take care of themselves and of others, if and when necessary.

Heart Disease provides detailed information on Heart Disease, Heart Disease Symptoms, Congenital Heart Disease, Coronary Heart Disease and more. Heart Disease is affiliated with Preventing Heart Attacks [].

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